Whether you're an alumni, student, staff, or faculty, we'd love to have you join our team!

Hundreds of students gathered at the 2019 Climate Strike, listening to a speech from a student speaker.

Looking to get involved now?

During the summer, CJUBC works on a variety of campaign strategizing to prepare for the school year. We are always looking to welcome new members to help shape our vision for the new year. Fill out our intake form, or reach out to us over email or social media.

Come to our weekly general meetings:

You are always welcome to join our meetings to chat about reinvestment, find out about our current campaigns and join our working group teams. We will be re-starting general meetings at the beginning of September, so stay tuned!

We operate through a distributed leadership model and welcome new members to take charge of initiatives that excite them. We also have a standing offer to sit down one-on-one with anyone interested in our group to answer any questions and discuss ways to get involved.

Hundreds of students gather for UBC's 2019 climate strike.

Attend our events!

CJUBC hosts regular events to bring more people into the climate justice movement. Follow us on social media and/or join our mailing list, to find out the upcoming events that we will be hosting!