• Introduction to Community Organizing Toolkit

    For those who feel called to action, but are not sure of where or how to get started! This toolkit begins with a glossary of commonly used terms in justice-centred organizing spaces, followed by a primer on movement theory, and an roadmap for building effective campaigns.

    The latter half is dedicated to challenging ableism; it includes reflection prompts for accessibility, ways to show solidarity, and set boundaries. In the next section are the basics of care work and transformative justice, which delves into how harm can be replicated and repaired. The toolkit ends with a collection of resources for further learning and growth.

  • CJUBC 2021/22 Finance Report

    In 2021/22, Climate Justice UBC received $24,460 in funding from UBC’s Climate Emergency Fund (CEF). For transparency & accountability purposes, our team has released a finance report with information on how this money was used. The CEF has enabled us in continuing to build cross-movement solidarity, pay organizers for their labour, build practices of care and accessibility into our team structure and projects, and expand the scope of the work we are able to take on!

    Funds have also assisted in the coordination of our two big campaigns this year: Towards a People’s Endowment reinvestment campaign with SFU350 & Divest UVic and Divest RBC with Banking on a Better Future.

  • Climate and Collective Liberation Project

    What do we mean when we say climate justice is social justice? The C+CL Project is a digital resource hub that aims to contextualize the climate crisis as an intersectional issue than extends beyond matters of just the environment.

    Through the process of community outreach, it sets out to amplify the voices and stories of marginalized people who are doing incredible work in our community. Snippets from these conversations are featured throughout the project alongside ways to take action and research into the connections between climate and disability justice, gender equity, racial justice, Indigenous sovereignty, wealth inequity, migrant justice, and more!